118 Coffee Brewing Terms Every Specialty Coffee Enthusiast Should Know

Are you a specialty coffee enthusiast looking to expand your knowledge of the brewing process? Look no further! Here are 118 essential terms to help you better understand and appreciate your favourite beverage.

1.Arabica coffee: a type of coffee plant that produces a sweeter, softer, and less acidic coffee bean

2.Barista: a person who prepares and serves coffee

3.Black coffee: coffee without any added ingredients, such as milk or sugar

4.Body: the physical sensation of weight and thickness in the mouth when drinking coffee

5.Batch brew: a method of brewing coffee in which hot water is poured over a bed of ground coffee in a filter

6.Bloom: the expansion of coffee grounds when hot water is first applied during the brewing process

7.Blue Mountain coffee: a type of coffee grown in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica

8.Bouquet: the overall flavour and aroma of coffee

9.Brew ratio: the ratio of coffee to water used in the brewing process

10.Caffeine: a stimulant found in coffee beans

11.Cappuccino: a type of coffee made with espresso and steamed milk, topped with a layer of foam

12.Carafe: a container used to serve coffee

13.Chemex: a type of manual coffee brewer that uses a paper filter

14.Clover: a type of coffee brewing machine that uses vacuum technology to extract coffee

15.Cold brew: a method of brewing coffee using cold water over a long period of time

16.Concurrence: the degree to which the flavors in a cup of coffee are well-balanced and harmonious

17.Crema: the creamy foam that forms on top of espresso shots

18.Cupping: a method of evaluating the flavour and quality of coffee beans

19.Decaf: short for "decaffeinated," refers to coffee that has had most of its caffeine removed

20.Drip brew: a method of brewing coffee by dripping hot water through ground coffee in a filter

21.Espresso: a type of coffee made by forcing hot water through finely ground coffee beans

22.Fair trade: a system that ensures coffee farmers receive a fair price for their beans

23.Filter: a device used to separate coffee grounds from brewed coffee

24.French press: a type of manual coffee brewer that uses a metal or nylon mesh filter

25.Grinder: a device used to grind coffee beans into a uniform size

26.Hario V60: a type of manual coffee brewer that uses a paper filter and a conical shape to create a spiralling flow of water

27.Heavy body: a term used to describe a coffee with a thick, full, and rich mouthfeel

28.Honey process: a method of processing coffee in which some of the coffee cherry is left on the beans before they are dried

29.Immersion brew: a method of brewing coffee by fully submerging ground coffee in water

30.Infusion: the process of extracting flavour from a substance by soaking it in liquid

31.K-Cup: a single-serve coffee pod used in some types of coffee makers

32.Light roast: a type of roast in which the coffee beans are light brown in color and have a light body

33.Long black: a type of coffee made by pouring hot water over a double espresso

34.Lungo: a type of coffee made by pulling a longer shot of espresso

35.Moka pot: a type of manual coffee brewer that uses steam pressure to extract coffee

36.Mouthfeel: the physical sensation of a substance in the mouth, such as the texture and weight of coffee

37.Natural process: a method of processing coffee in which the coffee cherries are dried with the beans inside, resulting in a sweeter, fruitier flavour.

38.Neapolitan flip pot: a type of manual coffee brewer that uses a metal filter and a flipping motion to extract coffee

39.Neutron: the balance between acidity and sweetness in a cup of coffee

40.Nitro coffee: a type of cold brew coffee that is infused with nitrogen gas to give it a creamy, smooth texture

41.Pour over: a method of brewing coffee in which hot water is poured over ground coffee in a filter

42.Press pot: another term for a French press

43.Roast: the process of heating and drying coffee beans to develop flavour and aroma

44.Robusta coffee: a type of coffee plant that produces a stronger, more bitter, and more acidic coffee bean

45.Single origin: coffee that comes from a single farm, region, or country

46.Single serve: a type of coffee maker that brews one serving of coffee at a time

47.Siphon: a type of coffee brewer that uses a vacuum to extract coffee

48.Soft body: a term used to describe a coffee with a light, smooth, and delicate mouthfeel

49.Specialty coffee: coffee that scores 80 or higher on a 100-point scale for flavour and quality

50.Stovetop espresso maker: a type of manual coffee brewer that uses steam pressure to extract coffee

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51.Tamping: the process of packing ground coffee into the portafilter of an espresso machine

52.Tasting wheel: a tool used to evaluate the flavour and aroma of coffee

53.Turkish coffee: a type of coffee made by boiling finely ground coffee with water and sugar

54.Whole bean: coffee that has not been ground

55.AeroPress: a type of manual coffee brewer that uses a metal filter and air pressure to extract coffee

56.Aftertaste: the taste and flavour of coffee that remains in the mouth after it has been swallowed

57.Americano: a type of coffee made by adding hot water to an espresso shot

58.Aroma: the smell of coffee, which can be influenced by factors such as roast level, origin, and processing method

59.Basket: the part of an espresso machine that holds the portafilter and ground coffee

60.Bloom time: the amount of time it takes for the coffee grounds to expand when hot water is applied during the brewing process

61.Body balance: the balance between acidity and sweetness in a cup of coffee

62.Bottomless portafilter: a type of portafilter with a hole in the bottom, which allows for better visibility and control during the tamping process

63.Brightness: a term used to describe the level of acidity in a cup of coffee

64.Caramelisation: the process of heating sugar until it turns brown and has a caramel-like flavour

65.Cold drip: another term for cold brew

66.Crema color: the colour of the crema on top of an espresso shot, which can range from light yellow to dark brown

67.Cupping form: a standardised form used to evaluate the flavor and quality of coffee during a cupping session

68. Extraction: the process of extracting flavour and caffeine from coffee beans during the brewing process

69.Flavour wheel: a tool used to evaluate the flavour and aroma of coffee

70.Flow rate: the speed at which water passes through the coffee grounds during the brewing process

71.Grinding: the process of breaking down coffee beans into smaller pieces

72.High-quality water: water that is free from impurities and contaminants that can affect the flavour of coffee.

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73.Flat white: a type of coffee made with espresso and steamed milk, but with less foam than a cappuccino

74.French roast: a type of roast in which the coffee beans are dark brown in colour and have a smoky, roasted flavour

75.Grind size: the size of the coffee grounds, which can affect the extraction and flavour of the brewed coffee

76.Heat exchanger: a type of espresso machine that uses a heat exchanger to maintain a consistent brewing temperature

77.High-altitude coffee: coffee grown at elevations above 3,000 feet (914 meters)

78.Inverted AeroPress: a method of brewing coffee with an AeroPress in which the brewing chamber is placed on top of the filter and grounds

79.Mazzer: a brand of commercial-grade coffee grinders

80.Microlot: a small batch of coffee that is carefully sourced and graded for quality

81.Mocha: a type of coffee made with espresso, chocolate, and milk

82.Mocha pot: a type of manual coffee brewer that uses a metal filter and a steaming rod to extract coffee

83.Napoletana: another term for a Neapolitan flip pot

84.Neapolitan coffee: a type of coffee made with a Neapolitan flip pot

85.Neutral body: a term used to describe a coffee with a light, smooth, and balanced mouthfeel

86.Oily: a term used to describe the texture of coffee beans that have a high oil content

87.Over extraction: the process of extracting too much flavour and caffeine from coffee beans during the brewing process, which can result in a bitter taste

88.Pannarello: a frothing wand used to steam milk for espresso drinks

89.Paper filter: a type of filter made from paper that is used in some types of coffee brewers

90.Portafilter: the handle and filter basket used to hold ground coffee in an espresso machine

91.Pre-infusion: the process of wetting the coffee grounds before the main extraction in order to improve the flavour and consistency of the brewed coffee

92.Pressure gauge: a device used to measure the pressure of water in an espresso machine

93.Pressure profiling: a method of adjusting the pressure of water in an espresso machine to optimise the extraction of coffee

94.Pull: the process of making an espresso shot

95.Pour time: the amount of time it takes to pour hot water over the coffee grounds during the brewing process

96.Red eye: a type of coffee made by adding a shot of espresso to a regular brewed coffee

97.Refractometer: a device used to measure the concentration of dissolved solids in brewed coffee

98.Robusta: another term for Robusta coffee

99.Ristretto: a type of coffee made by pulling a shorter shot of espresso with a higher concentration of coffee solids

100.Ripple maker: a machine that prints patterns and designs on top of espresso drinks using flavoured crema

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101.Rocker arm: a lever on an espresso machine that pushes the portafilter into the brewing chamber

103.Single-origin espresso: an espresso made with beans from a single farm, region, or country

104.Soft brew: another term for immersion brew

105.Sour: a term used to describe a coffee with a high level of acidity

106.Steam wand: a device on an espresso machine used to steam and froth milk

107.Steepling: the process of holding a steaming pitcher at an angle and swirling the milk to create a spiral pattern

108.Syrupy: a term used to describe a coffee with a thick, viscous mouthfeel

109.Tamping pressure: the amount of force used to tamp the ground coffee in the portafilter of an espresso machine

110.Tamping technique: the method used to tamp the ground coffee in the portafilter of an espresso machine

111.Thermosiphon: a type of espresso machine that uses a thermosiphon to maintain a consistent brewing temperature

112.Two-boiler: a type of espresso machine that has separate boilers for brewing and steaming

113.Under extraction: the process of extracting too little flavor and caffeine from coffee beans during the brewing process, which can result in a weak and flavorless cup

114.Washed coffee: coffee that has been processed using the wet method, in which the coffee cherries are removed before the beans are dried

115.Water quality: the chemical and mineral content of the water used in the brewing process, which can affect the flavor and quality of the coffee

116.Wet method: a method of processing coffee in which the coffee cherries are removed before the beans are dried

117.Yield: the amount of brewed coffee produced in a single brewing session

118.Z-shaped pour: a method of pouring hot water over the coffee grounds in a pour over brew in a zig-zag pattern